Privacy Statement

General information

1. Although the Green Sparkle website has been compiled with great care, Green Sparkle offers absolutely no guarantee, either explicit or implicit, that the information included in this website or the information to which it refers is complete and accurate and suitable for the objective indicated by the user of this website. Neither can any rights be derived from the information provided at the Green Sparkle website.

2. Green Sparkle is excluded from any liability for damages, including consequential damages and lost profits, that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website, unless this should involve a matter of intent or wilful recklessness on the part of Green Sparkle.

3. Green Sparkle shall be permitted to change this website and its contents at any time. Green Sparkle cannot be held liable for any consequences due to such changes. No party other than Green Sparkle shall be permitted to introduce changes to this website.

4. This website can contain links or references to other websites. In as much as Green Sparkle has no control over the content of these other websites, Green Sparkle bears absolutely no responsibility for information originating directly or otherwise from a website other than Green Sparkle.

5. Under no circumstances can Green Sparkle be held liable for damages, including consequential damages, to computer hardware and software that directly or indirectly result from the use of this website.

6. The Green Sparkle logo may be used only after having received permission.

7. Green Sparkle retains the right to modify this privacy statement. Changes shall be published on this page.



1. Email, as well as any enclosures, may contain confidential information. If you are not the Intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or disclose its contents to any other person. Thank you for your co-operation.

Voice logging

1. Green Sparkle can tape telephone conversations for training, coaching and assessing purposes as well as for the verification of and inquiry into orders and transactions. Green Sparkle can also tape telephone conversations should doing so be deemed necessary for reasons of fraud prevention.

2. Telephone conversations taped for the aforesaid purposes shall not be stored any longer thanstrictly necessary.